Gem project
In 1994 Progetto Gemma was born, a service for the long-distance prenatal adoption of mothers in difficulty, tempted not to welcome their child.
An expectant mother always hides a gem (a baby) in her womb that will not be lost if someone provides the necessary help. Progetto Gemma offers a mother financial support that can allow her to complete the gestation period with serenity, accompanying her in the first year of the baby's life.
Gemma Project was created to connect mothers in difficulty with all those who wish to help them.
The contribution of the adopters is a tangible sign of presence and concrete help, as well as a first response to give courage to mothers.
"Adopt a mother,
save your baby "
Vita Nova Foundation collects applications for help arriving from Life Aid Centers scattered throughout Italy and provides for the matching between adopter and adopted. The adopter (if it is a group: the group manager) receives from the Vita Nova Foundation all the information necessary to start the adoption procedures and sends the amount of the project to the CAV postal or bank account indicated (divided into agreed installments).
The CAV in charge of the project management constantly informs the adopters about the evolution of the pregnancy, the birth, the growth of the child. His name, date of birth are communicated and, if the mother allows it, a photograph is sent to the adopters. The sums disbursed by the adopters are paid in full to the "adopted" mother, directly or in genders or services of the same amount according to real needs and requirements.
"It is always nice to become a mother, but sometimes also difficult. There may be economic problems: an already large family, an insufficient salary, a lack of work. There may be fear, loneliness, the abandonment of family members, refusal of motherhood itself. There may be other problems ... "
By signing up for an adoption "Gemma Project" you help the mother for a minimum period of 18 months (the last 6 of pregnancy and the first 12 after the birth of the child) with a monthly contribution of € 160