Who we are
"Adopt a mom, help her baby."
In the year nineteen hundred and seventy-nine on 6 (six)
of the month of October in the meeting room.
Said Committee has as its precise purpose: "the reaffirmation, in civil society, in institutions, in legislation, of the citizen's right to support and defend the right to life from its conception, in all its needs and in all its development
Vercelli Life Aid Center odv , is a non-profit voluntary organization and as such registered in the register of voluntary organizations held by the Piedmont Region, it has been operating since 1979 and has the defense of Life as its primary objective.
The commitment of the CAV is to support women who experience a difficult motherhood, because it is unexpected or unwanted, but also families who, for different reasons, experience the birth of a child with difficulty.
The CAV offers psychological and moral support, promotes a network of solidarity so that every life started can be welcomed, and provides real economic support by making use of the " Gemma Project " and the " Erika Project" ; and deals with the distribution of clothing and what is necessary to newborns and mothers for the first 18/24 months of the life of the unborn child.
Viviana Bombonati
Volunteer since 2005, appointed head in 2013, she has been the president since 2019
Volunteer of the CAV since 2014, since 2019 she has held the position of vice president
Annarita Moncada
Volunteer of the CAV since 2018, she has been secretary since 2019
Francesca Bodo Corona
Lawyer in the field of criminal law, he is the CAV's point of reference for the most delicate situations
Francesca Bodo Corona
Lawyer in the field of criminal law, he is the CAV's point of reference for the most delicate situations